
评奖前服务部门负责评审, 路由, and 提交 of externally funded proposals for 十大电子游艺网站排行. 牢记这些责任, PreAward Services can assist faculty with their proposal 提交, 包括:

  • 审核及解释保荐人指引
  • 预算咨询和编制
  • Identification and referral of potential compliance issues
  • 完成申请认证和保证
  • Review of final documents to ensure conformance to Sponsor Guidance and Uniform Guidance
  • 提交给赞助商

PreAward Services maintains the role of the Authorized Organization Representative and has delegated signatory authority to submit proposal applications and accept funding on behalf of the university. 

  • 开始:准备提案的技巧

    1. 确定指导和资格

    • Review and ensure the PI AND University are eligible to apply for the specific solicitation/opportunity.
    • Review of specific funding opportunity and if applicable, 与提交相关的总体赞助商指南. 例如, 为NSF提交, be sure to review program solicitation AND proposal and award policies and procedures guide.

    2. 确定提案类型

    The following is a general listing of proposal types submitted via ORSPA. All types must be routed via ORSPA for review, 批准, institutional 路由 and 提交.

    • 预建议书、意向书或白皮书: A Pre-Proposal or Letter of Intent may be required of sponsors seeking a brief concept or summary as well as key individuals to be involved in the proposed research in order to determine which ideas merit a full proposal. 所有的预案, Letters of Intent or White Papers should be routed to ORSPA for review, 批准, 提交前的机构路由.
    • 新的应用程序: An application not previously submitted to the sponsor. These types of applications typically have formal guidelines, set deadline dates and a 提交 process required via ORSPA. 
    • 重新提交/修改应用程序: An application wherein the scope of work/overall objective has not changed, but revisions have been made in response to reviewer comments or sponsor requests.
    • 更新应用程序: An application to fund an existing project for an additional budget and project period. 续订可能会有竞争.
    • 续订,非竞争性续订许多赞助者资助多年期的项目. 基金通常一年发放一次, 基于可用性, with the expectation that the entire project will be supported. Some sponsors require that the PI submit a new proposal for each year of the project, even though all years were included in the original proposal. These continuation proposals ar not subject to competitive review as was the initial proposal.
    • 合作建议: An application where tow or more organizations are submitting a proposal together. Collaborative proposals often have an awardee/subawardee relationship or can be submitted via a linking process (NSF).
    • Subaward建议: An application wherein another organization (known as the "Prime") is submitting a proposal to the sponsoring organization in collaboration with our organization. In these instances the Prime may include our organization as a subaward, 需要提交的文件更少. This type of proposal will still require Char/迪安/ORSPA 批准, 正式的路由, and a communication between the two organizations' Sponsored Programs offices.
    • 主协议/雨伞: These agreements typically encompass a broader project period, scope of work and budget with individual task orders dictating the specific deliverable to be accomplished.
    • 任务订单: A specific set of deliverables to be completed under an existing master agreement. Task orders will follow the limitations/alowability set forth in the master agreement.
    • 新学院的奖励转移: Incoming faculty that are applying to transfer their sponsored project with their previous institution will work with ORSPA to complete the necessary internal and external steps to transferring their award to 十大电子游艺网站排行. This type of proposal will still require 椅子/迪安/ORPSA 批准, 正式的路由, and a communication between the two organizations' Sponsored Programs offices as well as the Sponsor.

    3. 识别重要的提交细节

    以下是一些, 但并非全部, important items to consider as you prepare your proposal and review your guidance.

    • 最后期限日期/时间
    • 提交格式
    • 必要的证明和签名
    • 成本份额
    • 支持信
    • 资格证书
    • 设备报价(如果正在购买设备)

    4. 有限提交事项: Submissions that limit proposals to one per organization should receive clearance from the ORSPA.

    5. 合规方面的考虑: Submissions that incorporate any compliance related matter should be familiar with the ORSPA 研究合规. The ORSPA 研究合规 should be your contact for any questions related to these issues. Compliance items can include, but are not limited to the following:

    • IRB
    • IACUC
    • 生物安全
    • 出口管制
    • 利益冲突
  • 提案提交生命周期

    Proposal Notification: Steps to Applying for Sponsored Projects

    • 与系主任及院长沟通申请意向
    • 获得课程收购所需的任何批准, 费用分摊(如有需要), 设备, 空间, 或其他部门的特殊需求
    • 通过Cayuse通知授予前服务机构申请意向.


    • 与预奖专家一起制定预算
    • Discuss with Pre-Award Specialist and IDC waiver requests or other special 批准s
    • 确认所有合规相关事项的完成
    • 如果有预算,获取所有分包文件
    • 确定和开发所有需要的应用程序组件
    • If required, obtain all needed letters of 批准, support, or collaboration, 在提交截止日期之前
    • Have 提交 completed in Cayuse and ready for internal 路由


    • Application components and record in Cayuse is finalized with all information pertaining to 提交
    • Cayuse记录路由到:
    • PI
    • 椅子
    • 迪安
    • ORSPA最终批准


    • 提案由预奖专家与PI最终确定
    • 提案应在截止日期前提交给主办方, 下午5点关门, 除非保荐人另有规定.


    • Sponsors decline to fund will be sent to PI, if received by ORSPA
    • Sponsors acceptance and award will be received by ORSPA for processing, to include:
    1. Review of award documents for special terms and conditions, budget, and scope of work
    2. If budget or scope of work have changed, potential re-route of proposal information
    3. PI acceptance of Terms and Conditions, including University policy on Sponsored Programs
    4. 奖励包的ORSPA设置
    5. 分配给获奖后专家